Times are even more turbulent for foster youth today (there are 769 youth currently in the Contra Costa Foster Care System.). Many are students and with colleges closed, housing has become a problem and low income jobs are no longer available.
A huge challenge for foster youth is having a place to live. This has resulted in more youth being homeless or moving around to find shelter.
UPDATE a/o March 16, 2022
50 back packs have been delivered to the Staff at ILSP.
We were able to initially move forward on this project rapidly thanks to a generous donation from the estate of Claire Mann, longtime active UMW member. The UMW Leadership Team has also graciously donated the items not covered by the donation and many thanks are given for their efforts. We ordered another 30 backpack shells and 9 other shells have been donated.
Five loaded backpacks are going out to ILSP this week with another 18 ready. We plan to order more backpacks and insert supplies in May, 2022. This should last us through the summer and into the fall.
ILSP Staff will provide the back packs to youth as they are needed. We have will stay in contact with ILSP to determine how soon additional backpacks will be needed.
The contents listed below are shown in the categories used to pack the zip lock bags for ease in retrieval from the back packs. We greatly appreciate the support for this program both from our home church, Walnut Creek United Methodist, and friends, families and other churches.
Please watch this site for more information. Back Pack
TOILETRIES / Health Soap Deodorant Shampoo / Conditioner Toothbrush / Tooth Paste / Floss / Mouthwash Washcloth Face Mask (2) Hand Sanitizer
FOOD Protein Bar Tuna Pak Nut Snacks & Trail Mix
SAFETY Hand crank Flashlight (no batteries required) Whistle
In Addition:
Handknit scarves and hats were provided by the Prayer Shawl Ministry members. These items were provided separately so youth could choose their own and thanks to everyone for their time and talents.
Socks - Men / Women - These were also provided separately so youth would have a choice.
Feminine Hygiene Products - Also provided in bulk supply.